Twelve scientists from eight countries applied to this year’s STSM call. The best six projects will be chosen and thus the applicants will be given the chance to implement their project during a guest stay in another research institution.
Short-Term-Scientific-Missions (STSM) are announced within the context of the EU-COST Action Raman4Clincs. The exchange program was built to provide the participants, especially early stage researchers, with the possibility to examine methods or to use instruments which aren´t available in their own institutions or laboratories. The application deadline ended on July 31th.
The committee constituted by the Raman4Clinics Chair Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp, scientific director of the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technologies in Jena, the Raman4Clinics Vice-Chair Prof. Dr. Francesco Pavone, European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy in Firenze as well as Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Baranska for the Jagiellonian University in Krakau will decide about the quality of the submitted projects.